What is This??
11:03 PMHi...mlm ni nida xtau nk cite ap...hehe..tajuk pon what is this kn..hehe..actually the right topic is suppose to be what is this feeling kot...hehe..em..few days ni..mood xstabil kot..ble happy..haaaappppy sgt..tersenyum2 sendri kat opis..smpai kna bahan ngn budak2 opis, termasuk my bos, en nuar..mmg ske sgt la bahan nida kan...ble xda mud..mmg xda mud btul..encik tunang pon nida layan xlayan..kesian kat dia..sory ye..xtau npe..u have done nothing wrong..but sorry...dont know what happen to me...just give me time hun.. tp dlm keadaan mud yang xbpe nk stabil ni..nida asyik layan lagu je...arini je..bpe bnyk lagu nida layan..huhu..so, nida rsa, entry kli ni lebih pada lagu2 yang nida dengar di kala emosi xbegitu stabil..huhu..so..nida xnak bnyak merepek lagi..just wanna share lagu2 yg melayan jiwa nida skarang ni...huhu...enjoy the songs...
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